Game Project Updates
Its been quite some time since I've posted updates regarding this blog. And a lot has happened in the past few months. Not just personally mind you, but also regarding most of the projects I'm working on. For those who care enough, here's what I got going for now.
Kiseki CTF +
Kiseki CTF+ is an inherently ambitious project. Not only are we trying to retain what made the game fun back in 2008, but we're also trying our best to balance the game out. Around a few months ago, the project's beta was held back for a month. Til it was decided that we need to rework the game again. From what Destiny said to me, this current rendition of Kiseki CTF+ is lackluster because of various reasons. As of now, the game is still put on hold while we work on another game together. It's an untitled project based off of World War 1.
Deception Infection
This project is still being worked on, but no major progress has been made due to personal reasons. It's nothing too huge, really. Progress will be continued relatively soon. As of now, don't expect that many updates on it.TYRANTS 30XX
A new(ish) project that has been picking up more steam lately. It's nowhere near complete but development is still going relatively well. It's an MMORPG with some really interesting mechanics and ideas that seems really promising.
Untitled Platformer Game
This game has no legitimate name yet, but it's a project handled entirely by me. Right now the game is still in its prototype stages but a good amount of work has been put into it. It's also the first game I've been working on since I got back.
Musou Combat
This was originally going to be a remake of Project Fight Club. But according to ejob (the original creator of Project Fight Club), the game is till being worked on as we speak. Which makes me really happy! But he requested me to change the branding of my version. Right now the project is on hold until I can finish the other projects. But hey, it's still being worked on!
Honorable Mentions
- Brickbattle Brawl is still on hold because I dunno what to do with the game. Plus other important projects are getting in the way.
- SFOTH V is on hold as well. I need to rescript the sword system and figure out what I want to do with the game. Otherwise, it's on hold.
- Other ideas I had (like Project Night Fever and Murder Mystery DX: Director's Cut) are dead for now. I'm not sure if I want to revisit these projects at all.
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